Carmona Flowering Bonsai

Ceramic pot (9×5) Inch, Height 18 Inches, Age 5 Years. Evergreen shiny leaves. This indoor bonsai plant doubles as an air purifier, with scientific evidence supporting its stress-reducing properties. It makes for a great gift, serving as both a decorative piece and an effective air-cleaning tool for homes and offices. 

Carmona Flowering Bonsai

Carmona is an ideal species for any beginner bonsai enthusiast because it is very easy to look after. In this blog post today, we are going to be outlining all the tips you need to know about caring for your Carmona bonsai. The scientific name for this plant is Carmona microphylla, although we may find it by its common name of Carmona or Fukien tea tree. It belongs to the Borraginaceae family; native from tropical Asia, southern China, and Southwest Asia

The specific quality of Carmona Flowering Bonsai

The Carmona bonsai is the easiest to maintain and grows very quickly. This capacity for leaf reduction, along with its white, discrete, and elegant flowering at the end of spring, adds a touch of distinction to this bonsai

When the plant is young, the Carmona has elliptical and bright-green leaves. As it matures, the green of the leaves becomes more intense, and they develop pilosity (fine soft hairs).

We can also see some small white dots on of the leaves.

Sometimes they can be confused with some type of pest, but we must bear in mind that it is the normal structure of mature leaves.

The Effect of Carmona Flowering Bonsai

Believed to repulse negative energies and attracts cheers, colour, positive vibes and energies to the possessor.

Watch the yearly maintenance video here.  For more ideas on styling.

Buy bonsai online in Delhi Gurgaon NOIDA and get home-delivered gifts for friends and festivals.

Some common features of Carmona Species:

    1. Low-maintenance: Carmona species of plants, including Wax Malphigia, are known for their low-maintenance requirements. It Makes them a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardens.
    2. Air-purifying: Carmona plants are known for their ability to purify the air, It makes them a popular selling point for those looking to improve indoor air quality.
    3. Drought-tolerant: Carmona species of plants are generally drought-tolerant, It makes them a great choice for gardens in arid climates.
    4. Ornamental: Carmona plants have ornamental qualities, including their unique leaves and aerial roots, making them a popular choice for bonsai cultivation and as indoor or outdoor decorative plants.
    5. Shade-tolerant: Some Carmona species, such as Wax Malphigia, are shade-tolerant and can thrive in areas with low levels of sunlight.
    6. For Care Instructions.
    7. For Video Instructions


  1. The Complete Guide to Bonsai: From Care to Maintenance.

  2. A Complete Guide to Buying, Growing, and Gifting Trees in India


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