Schefflera Bonsai Grow & care

Schefflera Bonsai Grow & care Guide has been developed by the experts of over a vast period of experiance and research.

The Schefflera, commonly known as the Umbrella Plant and scientific name is Schefflera arboricola, adds a stunning and lively touch to any indoor garden with its effortless care requirements. Its lush green foliage and elegant presence effortlessly enhance the atmosphere of any living space.

Being a passionate gardener and enthusiast of indoor plants, I’m always on the hunt for distinctive and manageable options. Among my personal favorites is the Umbrella Tree, also referred to as the Octopus Tree or Schefflera. Belonging to the Araliaceae family, this plant is renowned for its resilience, making it an ideal choice for those who may not possess a particularly green thumb.

The Schefflera bonsai / Umbrella Tree is a popular choice due to its rapid growth and low maintenance needs. Its unique oval-shaped leaves, resembling fingers, grow in circular clusters and can display variegated patterns or solid green hues. Available in a range of sizes, from dwarf varieties to full-sized specimens, Schefflera bonsai accommodate various space requirements and aesthetic preferences.

What sets the Umbrella Tree apart is its remarkable versatility—it flourishes equally well as both a houseplant and a landscaping option, resilient even in conditions of neglect or suboptimal growth environments. The enthralling foliage and adaptability of Scheffleras render them an irresistible addition to any indoor setting, imparting an aura of elegance and allure.

Cultivating Beauty: A Guide to Growing and Caring for Schefflera Bonsai

Introduction: Schefflera bonsai, with its intricate foliage and elegant stature, is a captivating addition to any bonsai enthusiast’s collection. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the art of cultivating and caring for Schefflera bonsai, from selecting the right specimen to nurturing its growth and maintaining its health.

Choosing the Right Schefflera Bonsai:

Selecting a healthy Schefflera specimen is the first step towards a successful bonsai journey. Look for a plant with a well-defined trunk, balanced branches, and vibrant foliage. Avoid specimens with signs of disease, pest infestation, or overly tangled roots. Remember, the potential of your Schefflera bonsai lies in its initial selection.


Potting and Soil:

When potting your Schefflera bonsai, choose a shallow container with proper drainage holes to promote healthy root development. Opt for a well-draining bonsai soil mix composed of components. For preparing bonsai soil and repotting, watch our youtube video.  Repot your Schefflera bonsai every two to three years to replenish its soil and encourage vigorous growth.

Light and Temperature:

Schefflera bonsai thrives in bright, indirect light. Place your bonsai near a south-facing window where it can receive ample sunlight without being exposed to harsh midday rays. Maintain a consistent temperature range of 65-80°F (18-27°C) throughout the year, protecting your Schefflera bonsai from extreme heat or cold is must.

Watering and Humidity:

Achieving the right balance of moisture is crucial for the health of your Schefflera bonsai. Water your bonsai thoroughly when the top layer of soil feels slightly dry to the touch, ensuring that excess water drains freely from the pot. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Increase humidity levels around your Schefflera bonsai by placing it on a humidity tray or misting its foliage regularly, especially during dry winter months.

Pruning and Training:

Regular pruning is essential for shaping and maintaining the desired form of your Schefflera bonsai. Use sharp bonsai shears to remove any unwanted growth, focusing on maintaining a balanced silhouette and encouraging ramification. Train the branches of your Schefflera bonsai using gentle wiring techniques, taking care not to damage the delicate bark or foliage.


Feed your Schefflera bonsai with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every two weeks during the growing season (spring to fall). Reduce fertilization frequency in winter when growth slows down. Avoid excessive fertilization, as this can result in nutrient imbalances and harm the overall health of your bonsai.

Pests and Diseases:

Vigilance against pests such as aphids, spider mites, or scale insects is crucial. Treat infestations promptly with organic insecticidal soap or neem oil, ensuring thorough coverage. Preventive measures like regular pruning and proper care minimize the risk of pests and diseases.

Caring for Your Umbrella Plant and Schefflera bonsai.

umbrella plant
Proper care is essential to ensure the health and vitality of your Umbrella Plant / Schefflera bonsai. By providing optimal conditions, you can promote its growth and well-being within your home.

The Umbrella Plant, also known as Schefflera, is a popular indoor choice admired for its attractive foliage and low maintenance requirements. Originating from tropical regions, it adds a refreshing touch of greenery to any indoor space, be it a living area, office, or bedroom.

While this species can reach heights of up to 50 feet in its natural habitat, as a houseplant, it can be pruned and managed to a more manageable size.

Characterized by its umbrella-like appearance, with leaves arranged in circular clusters of 5-9, the plant earns its name from this distinct feature.

Umbrella Plants thrive in bright, sunny locations with ample humidity and protection from intense afternoon sunlight. Consistent watering is vital, though less frequent during winter months.

In its early stages, the Umbrella Plant undergoes rapid growth, with young specimens typically sporting four or five leaflets per stem, gradually increasing to 12 or more as they mature.

While you can’t control the plant’s natural progression, you can maintain its youthful appearance by periodically pinching off growing tips, resulting in fewer leaflets if desired.

For outdoor growers in warm climates such as Hawaii, Florida, or southern California, conditions are particularly favorable, leading to exponential growth in dwarf scheffleras.

It’s crucial to be aware that the Umbrella Plant is toxic if ingested by humans or pets.

Delving deeper into caring for your Umbrella Plant will help you establish an optimal environment for its thriving growth.

To keep your Umbrella Plant healthy and vibrant, it’s advisable to feed it with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during its active growing season, typically in spring and summer. Diluting the fertilizer to half strength is recommended to prevent root burn due to over-fertilization.

As the plant enters its dormant phase in fall and winter, it’s best to reduce or completely halt fertilization. This allows the plant to rest and prepare for renewed growth in the upcoming season.

Before applying fertilizer, ensure the plant is adequately watered to avoid fertilizer burn. Follow the dosage and frequency guidelines provided on the fertilizer packaging.

Additionally, periodically flushing the soil with plain water is beneficial to remove any accumulated salts from the fertilizer, thus preventing nutrient imbalances.

How to make Schefflera Bonsai.

I India Schefflera can be converted to many styles, It can produce ariel roots which gives it a ancient look. The best suitable style is :-

Broom (Hokidachi): In the broom style, the Schefflera bonsai features a straight trunk with branches radiating outwards in a symmetrical manner, resembling the shape of a broom. Foliage is pruned into a compact, rounded canopy at the apex of the tree, creating a distinctive and eye-catching silhouette. This style emphasizes balance and harmony, with a focus on the tree’s overall form and structure.

watch our video to make bonsai

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